Sister what you need is coaching!
Together we can be unstoppable.
Before we begin.
what you can expect from my coaching services:
Consultation: A free 30 minute clarity call. This call will help you identify any blocks that might be holding you from fully applying the practice of self love and your vision. You will leave this session with tips and steps to help you move forward. It will also helps us determined if we are good fit for each other.
Results: Trans-formative. Not only will you experience positive changes in your life but you will take the techniques learned in your coaching session for the rest of your life.
*Individual results varies
Pricing: Coaching is an investment to get you to your happy dream. I offer different packages depending on your needs including installment plans.
Spiritual language: If you are ok with the words "manifest, universe, energies, soul (you get the picture), lets talk. If it makes you feel uncomfortable then my services might not be the right fit for you.
Are you ready to transform your life?
Pick the coaching package that meets your needs

Power Shots
Receive the support you need for your monthly goals with four Power Shots sessions.
This is a private coaching program.

Love Journey
A 3 month one on one private coaching program. You'll make life a love journey by learning powerful spiritual elements.