When The Shift Hits The Fan.
My Story...

Through live videos, online courses, and services, I help women master the practice of self love and strengthen their connection to their Divine Guidance, so they can walk their lives align to their highest selves.
The story behind my mission starts something like this...
During a trembling time in my life, I stumble upon the wisdom of mindfulness. I am going through a breakup, feeling overwhelmed by my work and unclear about my life goals. I am not happy anymore.
As I am crying and saying to myself, "Enough! You have suffered enough and you need to change things around.” I grab whatever clothes I see in front of me, put it in my Ikea blue bag and leave for a retreat at a Buddhist monastery my sister had recommended years ago.

At the retreat
During this retreat the recipe I needed to deal with my suffering was finally given to me. I'm learning mindfulness living, and the art of self compassion. I’m starting feeling alive again.
So what is mindfulness? Mindfulness in my experience is the art of self compassion by being present in the now through awareness of our breath, mind and body. Mindfulness living is applying this awareness into your daily life.
I leave the retreat not really thinking much about the issues in my present life but rather with the intention of telling my parents my history of past sexual abuse as a child.

Since then, my life changed drastically. A couples of years later my dialogue with the universe became stronger. I decided to share all the spiritual wisdom I have acquired in life but wasn't ready to share it until now.
The woman I am today is the result of determination and miracles. I am taking the role of the teacher to help you to no longer feel like you are not enough, to stop begging for love, master self compassion and tap into your zen being. It's there!
Today when stress knocks my door, I meditate, do mindful walking, mindful eating, among other practices that helps me practice self-care and celebrate the small every day moments.
"Simplify, simplify, simplify" was the answer a monastic friend once told me referring to the approach we all need to make when dealing with life demands.
It's time to toss away the drama! And simplify your life.
I believe that with my guidance you'll be capable to tame the mind, cultivate self compassion, raise your energy vibration and experience a brighter life.

My expertise in self development and spirituality comes from my life journey, extensive psychotherapy professional background, mindfulness training, yoga training, intuitive healing, and ongoing studies on self development.
I am certain you are reading this because you want to create positive changes in your life and need spiritual guidance.
While working with me, you'll acquire different techniques that will help you:
optimize your mindset
raise your energy vibration
practice self-love
practice mindfulness
Overcoming your own fears might be the biggest battle you ever won. And if you need an ally on your side to overcome the false beliefs in your head, I am one email away.

Volunteering at a high school in NY

Let's unite forces and get you to your
courageous story.
Start by simplifying your life with free spiritual tools at
"The resource library"
Grab practical tools + subscribe to my notes of inspiration newsletter.

Still want to know more about me?
Lets get closer! Here are some things that make my world sparkly:

Born in the land of the Incas and llamas, Peru. Lived in the capital of the world most of my life, New York.
I like to hug old tall trees during my walking meditation. The texture of their trunks fascinates me. I like to think each tree has its own personality.
My favorite daydream? Having all my friends together from around the world and having fun.
If I have to pick one favorite book...would be The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. A small book with big lessons about going after your wildest dreams, faith and overcoming your fears.
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@ freedomspiritualmentor